بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
In the Name of Allah,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
A Discussion (Muthakara) on the Importance
of Ladies Work
This work is not something new. We have become distant from the work
because of not doing the effort of dawah. Once we have recited this Kalimah,
this effort of dawat becomes necessary on every male and female. To invite
people to Deen (Religion) , i.e. to call others to this Kalimah. As soon as Sahaba
and Sahabiyat recited the Kalimah, they started with the effort of dawah. Sahabiyat,
when they recited the Kalimah, they started the effort of dawah by which Allah
Ta'ala honoured them greatly.
Khadeejaرضى الله عنها was the first person to accept Islam - even before any male.
When the first wahi was revealed to Rasulullahصلى الله عليه وسلم, he frightened.
Khadeejaرضى الله عنها consoled him and took him to Warqa bin Naufal who was
her cousin. This was the first ghusht of Khadeejaرضى الله عنها through which
Sumayaرضى الله عنها accepted Islam.
Sacrifices of Sahabiyat
* Khansaرضى الله عنها was a great Arab poetess. She had four sons. One day before
the battle, she advised them to sacrifice their lives for Deen. Next day all four sons
were martyred and she was happy, because on the Day of Judgement, I will enter into
Jannah with my four (Shaheed) sons.
* Sumayaرضى الله عنها underwent great hardships for the sake of Deen. Allah also
bestowed the first honour of martyrdom on a lady, i.e. Sumayaرضى الله عنها .Her
husband,Yasirرضى الله عنه and her son Ammarرضى الله عنه also faced hardships
though out their lives.
* One Sahabiya presented her breastfeeding baby to Rasulullahصلى الله عليه وسلم to
be used in the path of Allah. Rasulullahصلى الله عليه وسلم asked her of what use will
this child be. She repiled : ''Oh Rasulullahصلى الله عليه وسلم , use him as a shield so
that at least one person's life can be saved.''
* Umme Shareekرضى الله عنها faced a lot of hardships for Deen. One day the kafirs
decided to send her to her parents home away from makkah. Two kafirs took her
without give anything to eat or drink. On the way she felt thirsty. She laid down and
was near to death. Allah Ta'ala sent water for her from heavens. She drank it. On
seeing this, kafirs became Muslims.
* One child was crying in one of the streets of Madina because ''everyone else's
father becomes shaheed in the path of Allah while my father is dying while lying
on his bed.
* In the way, the sahabah women made great sacrifices in spreading Deen. Among
the four Khulafa-e-Rashideen, two ( Umar and Usmanرضى الله عنهم ) accepted Islam
due to their women relatives (Sahabiyat) of their family.
* The first person who spent most of wealth for Islam is a woman, 'Khadeeja رضى الله عنها.
Allah Ta'ala says in the Qur'aan :
The believers, men and women, are Auliya' (helpers, supporters, friends,
protectors) of one another; they enjoin (on the people) Al- Ma'ruf and
forbid (people) from Al- Munkar; 9 : 71
i.e. the men and women are both responsible for one another. This work of dawah is
the responsibility of both men and women because both genders are the Ummat of
Rasulullahصلى الله عليه وسلم . If the men alone does the effort of Deen and the wife and
children are engrossed in dunyaa, then the husband will be pulling the rope towards
Deen and the on the other side the wife and children will be pulling towards dunyaa.
In this manner it will be difficult for Deen to enter the home. Until both husband and
wife do not practise Deen, it will be impossible for Deen to enter into their children
and into their home. When the husband does the work of Deen alone, then Deen
comes up to the doorstep only. When the wife also assists the husband in the effort
of Deen, then Deen will not only enter into their home 100% but also in all their children.