Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Peace of Mind

بسم الله الرمان الرحيم
In the Name of Allah,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

The ability to do good deeds is also
Granted by Allah

Firstly Allah asked us to do a certain act which is good for us. Then
he gave us the courage to do so. Then He made the way for us to do
that. Finally, he rewards us after we got the benefit of that act too.
This is like granting one blessing after the other.

Satanic Deception

Satan presents a deception to us that by doing a particular sin, its
stimulation will be decreased next time. But this effect is tempo-
rary only. Rather the urge will be stronger in future and out of
control too.

No sin is greater than the
Forgiveness of Allah

If a person does not ask Allah for forgiveness by thinking that his
sins are innumerous and this act wont be fruitful then his thinking
is foolish and he is being trapped by shaitan. Apparently his thinking
is like repentance but as a matter of fact, it reflects his superiority
complex that he has caused such a big damage to the system of Allah
which cant be forgiven by Allah now. Remember that even if the whole
world gets disobedient to Allah, it cant cause any damage to Him or
stop Him from forgiveness.

Repentance of Sin is Essential

If we could observe how vast is forgiveness of Allah, we would never
had been ashamed of thinking our sins as too many to be forgiven by
Allah. Such an ashamed feeling urges us not to be repentful over our
sins, this urge should be avoided as the sins are not greater than the
forgiveness of Allah but enough to mislead us. Example is that of
100 gms of Copper Sulphate or poison which is not greater than a
quintal of its antidote but it is still enough for our stomach.

The Belief which forbids from asking
Allah for Forgiveness, is False

A Mumin (true Muslim) is always worried about his sins unlikely to
a non-Muslim who thinks it like as small as a fly which can be tackled
easily. This means that the sin should not be considered too small to
be ignored over and it should not be taken too big to prevent asking
Allah for forgiveness. So repentance is of the real importance and
not the belief of considering it small or big sin.   

Whose Company should one adapt

A person having three qualities should be considered worthy of
(keeping the company of Firstly, he should be a Faqeeh (knowing
the ins and outs of fundamentals of religion). Secondly, he should
be a Muhaddis (the one who is having knowledge of Hadith). Thirdly,
he should be a Sufi (having spiritual know how).

How to Develop the Right kind of Love

The easy way to do this is to adapt the company of those who love
Allah. It will yield the effects like a magical stone that turns a piece
of iron into gold when touched.

Forgiveness of Allah is waiting for

Firstly we have to muster up a bit courage ourselves then Allah
completes it Himself. Example is that of a kid which staggers
and falls after walking a few steps.

Peace of Mind
A Summary of Sayings of
Hazarat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanviرحمة الله عليه

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Blissful Life - Maulana Sulaiman Moola

 Allah Ta'ala has promised a 'blissful life' for those servants who
 practice righteous deeds. Allah says in Surah An-Nahl:

{And for that male or female who does good and is a Mu'min,
 We will certainly grant them a blissful life (in this world)}.

The question arises; what is the defenition of a 'blissful life?'
 Shaykh Sulaiman Moola explains....

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Children and Toys by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah alayh)

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
In the Name of Allah,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

When a child wants a toy which is of an animate object or a musical
instrument, then gently explain to the child that Allah Ta’ala is displeased
with such a toy, and that the presence of such toys in our homes deprive us
of the presence of the Malaa`ikah (angels) of Rahmah (Mercy).

After having explained this, buy something better, if it is within one’s means,
of the ‘mubaah’ (permissible) category – without being extravagant and wasteful.
Considering the fact that most children have all kinds of animate, musical and
haraam (forbidden) toys, do not let the child feel as if he or she is being deprived
of play. …Make the child happy with Halaal so that he or she will grow up 
loving the beautiful Deen (religion) of Islam.
The same applies to children’s clothing and accessories to be found on the market;
many of which have cartoon characters, etc. which would captivate and charm little
children; but which the Shariah[1] does not permit.

Muslims today consider these restrictions as trivial and irrelevant whereas there is
great wisdom in all the ‘Muharramaat’ (prohibitions) of Islam.

In actual fact, one of the reasons why children have nightmares is due to the
photographs that we bring into our homes, the cartoons and other programmes
we allow and encourage them to view, or such clothing and toys that are impermissible…
Sometimes the room walls are plastered with cartoon characters, huge teddy bears,
dolls and stuffed animals are all around the room, which result in frightful dreams.

…There are angels that are deputed to look after our children, but these angels do
not enter that home where there are pictures of animate objects. This deprives our
children of the presence and protection of the angels, who also play with babies.

Rasulullah (1) said : “Angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture.”
(Sahih Muslim)
We claim that we are Believers in Allah Ta’ala and His Rasul (1).
If the claim is true and sincere, then it is not acceptable that as 
Believers in Allah Ta’ala and His Rasul (1), we debate, argue or
reject what are clear injunctions of Shariah. The person who does
so, has clearly strayed from the right path…
 “It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has
 been decided by Allah and His Apostle, to have any option about
 their decision : If anyone disobeys Allah and His Apostle, 
 he is indeed on a clearly wrong path.
[Surah Ahzaab 33 : 36]

 Allah Ta’ala mentions the response of His sincere servants: 
“The answer of the Believers, when summoned to Allah and His Rasul,
 in order that he may judge between them is not other than this :
 They say, ‘We hear and we obey.’ It is such as these who will attain felicity.

It is such as these who obey Allah and His Rasul, and fear Allah and
do right, that will win (in the end).”
[Surah Noor 24 : 51 / 52]

[1] Shariah : Code of Islamic Law

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Show Our Children The Road To The Masjid-They Will Connect To Allah!

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

In the Name of Allah,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful 

Show Our Children The Road To The Masjid-
They Will Connect To Allah!

Thought provoking points by Mufti Husain Kadodia (Hafidhahullah) in his Jumu’ah discourse:

Parents generally worry about the worldly well being of their children and make great sacrifices for their worldly comfort. The actual concern of parents should be about their death with Iman and their wellbeing in the hereafter and to nuture them accordingly.

Umar bin Abdul Aziz Rahimahullah was a great Khalifa of the time. He left a very small estate for his children. When he was asked about the worldly comforts of his children, he said “I thought my children to obey Allah.” Over a period of time, the very children of Umar bin Abdul Aziz became very wealthy and used to spend large amounts of money in the path of Allah. On the contrary, Hisham bin Abdul Malik Rahimahullah who was also a Khalifa left a large estate for his children. Over a period of time his children became paupers and people saw them begging on the streets of Baghdad.

When we teach our children Allah consciousness, that will be useful to them in this world and the hereafter. If we give our children all the comforts of the world besides Deen, the very comforts will be a means of their destruction in this world and the hereafter. It is holiday time. Everyone is gone on relaxed mode and tend to drop their guards. We know the fitna of drugs, drinking, and intermingling in the outside world.

It is our responsibility to guard our children and save them from falling prey to the evils around us. Show our children the road to the Masjid- they will connect to Allah.

- Points noted by Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Hafidhahullah)

Darul Iftaa